Wednesday, January 09, 2008

ULTIMATE ANGER..kami maukan keADILan

What the fish once this is too much..when Pong told me about this i yelled this F**kety F**k..ok i know these are mean words..but what are more mean than what they have done to us..what's the thing that i upset about??..ok this is about OSCE..remember the entry that i wrote down 2 days ago..ok, so Pong told me that their time for each station was 10 mins while us was only 7 minutes but for ESP that supposed to be about 14 mins, but been changed to 20 mins abruptly today..ok that was a huge difference ok..i don't blame the groups for having such a good luck today..but i blamed SKILLS LAB for this..ok..rase teraniaya i prayed for all members group 1 and 2 that we passed the OSCE wif flying colours eventho sum of us do know what their results are..ok..that's i'm going to continue my study wif telling myself, they are so going to pay for this..

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