Sunday, January 20, 2008

home sweet home

with words we can conquer the world

Alhamdulillah..selamat smpi rumah tepat jam 12 mlm tadik..mmuahaha..amat penat ok..naik flight ptg amat memenatkan..huhu..habis exam..packing barang..(baru nak packing ke cik doy??wink) pastu tunggu kak shida..haha..kat sini cam pathetic siket..siket je la..naik ngan Pak Adi yg amat baik hati..kak shida pon kate die mmg beliau baik..knape saya kate beliau baik, sbb beliau sgt sopan tutur kata..ewaahh..pandai pulak mengayat cik Doyot ni..nanti saya naik lagi la ngan Pak Adi..ok2..wo where were we..oh dekat tmpt bebas Fiskal aka imigresen kat Indonesia td, ade mas ni tanye..berikut adalah perbualan kami:

Mas fiskal: erm, kuliah di mana?kedokteran?

Doy yg shomeyll: iya..di UGM?

Mas Fiskal: Knape org Malaysia itu suke panggil Indon..

Doy yg shomeyll: (sengih2)..ntah la aku tau, tp malas nak jawab

Mas Fiskal: Jangan ya..itu sangat merendahkan..

ok2...seriyesly, in my opinion, i don't think we call them Indon to underestimate them, but it's just the short form of Indonesia..erm, i think, they put it this we call the Blacks, Negro or niggar..but it's different..erm..don't know..watever it is..i feel happy at the moment because i can sleep tight..eheh..oh ya..shen yew just told us, the OSCE result is out already..huhu..hope all of us get good marks..

Just now, me watched Drama Melayu Meniti senja..adoi..aku letih gile la tgk crite pathetic ni..seriyes..knape x buat cerita family yg not disoriented or pathetic..come on, make something new..create new story line..i'm not saying i'm a good criticizer..but i could differentiate Malay dramas into 3 categories:

a)cite Melayu yg penuh elit x ingt dunia..sume kaye pakai ckp Melayu cam cakap omputih..

b)cite melayu sedey2..bohsan ok..pakwe tinggal makwe la..makwe tinggal pakwe la..pastu kejar2..seb baik x de adegan kejar mengejar nyanyi2 lagu, cam Bollywood

c)cite g-wang tahap kambing..grr..

kesimpulannye, aku mmg aku merungut..sbb aku bohsan ngan cite2 what gitu lho..

ok..skrg dah pukul 2..aku nak tido..bubye..


Anonymous said...

Jiwang tahap kambing?

Hehehe! Baruku tau kambing tu makhluk yang jiwang. Hik hik hik.

Anonymous said...

haha..kambing tu thp jiwang die sket je..mungkin gred c..kalo nk gred A, sile la beli kambing biri2..haahaha..

Muhajirah said...

doyot blk msia ke?!!

Anonymous said...

yup Milo..i'm back once again..hehe