Saturday, August 18, 2007

I need ur perspective..owh time

with words we can conquer the world

owhh.smlm saye dan rakan saya pergi tgk citer Ratatouille..owh..amat comel..seriyes..dah la klakar..satu cinema, gelak cam ape mmg best..x yah la criter pasal criter tu, sila tgk trailer kat atas tu n nnt tgk sendiri..hehehe..tapi saye setuju sgt ngan pendpt Mr.Gusteau owner of restaurant..dier kate 'Everyone can cook'..btol..tinggal malas ke tidak jer..huhu..kalo pandai pon malas wat ape..and dier kate, why do u want to steal while you are a cook..u're the one who cook and thief steal it..owhh.best2..

Dan criter ni wat kan saye rase nak masak lagi dan laagi..haha..i love to cook.walopon sumtimes hampeh jugak la..but i think not bad at all to dulu2 time aku mula2 blaja masak..wooshh..x yah cakap la..horror la..i started to cook(bukan tolong2 tau, masak untuk family) since i was in Standard 5..mase tu, mak aku suruh, sbb mak aku is a super duper bizi woman, and i got adik who is super duper malas n tau makan dish yg aku buat kalo x salah sambal ikan..perghh..sambal dah sedap aku lupe nak goreng ikan tu.hurmm..hancur la..pastu, mmg learn from mistakes giler..make sure goreng ikan dulu b4 masokkan dlm sambal..(cewah..bagi tips plak)..i've learnt how to cook from anyone, at anytime, and anywhere..cos for me, cooking is fun..kalo tgh tgk game futsal pon, smpt lagi sok sek sok sek..eypp..silap tagline..aku kan Doyotron so bunyik zik zak zok zek..aku tanye or kdg2 ade org bg tips2 best dlm masak.owhh yeahh..lov them all..

Pastu, aku dr kecik suke tgk rancangan masak2..owhh..for me if u love good food, u gotta learn how to cook good food..dulu kecik2..aku suke tgk Chef Wan masak..skrg x sgt...malas..nape tah..sbb recipe dier skrg lebih kurang kot..skrg aku suke
Martha Stewart punyer style masak..she always give lots of tip..and kalo bosan2 slalu gi tgk kat tenet, and modify recipe tu..usually bcos not all of the ingredients in the recipe boleh beli kat mane2..contoh kat Indon ni..lagi la susah nak carik the line from Ratatouille 'you improvise it'..

Tp sbnrnyer, kalo dlm masakan ni aku lebih blaja byk from nenek n mak aku..sbb nenek aku is a good cook..kalo balik kampung aku akan make sure, aku masuk dapur and learn sumthing..owh yeah..nenek aku kate, nnt nenek dah x de, boleh la masak(Adeh nenek, jgn la ckp camtu..i luv u sgt2..chess..bergenang lak airmata ni). Tp, nenek aku suke gune original dulu2 mane ade nak gune prencah2 dari sambal sampai la kari, sup n ape2 la yg dier masak, guna original recipe(serbuk kari pon wat sendiri)..owh..u guys should pay a visit to my kampung..rase sambal nenek aku yg power tu..x pedas sgt n x de la x pedas langsung..just nice..asam pedas x yah cakap la..tip top..the best in the world i'll say..even a 5 star restaurant pon x boleh buat camtu..

So, hari ni nak share, camner wat smbal ikan bilis,,yg aku slalu masak tuwalpopn x sedap cam nenek aku nyer tp korg boleh try and improve..and this recipe is from my beloved grandma

ikan bilis..goreng dulu
6 bj Bawang merah..hiris or kalo tumbuk jgn la hancur sgt
semangkuk Lada kering yg di blend
asam jawa segenggam

ni sukatan untuk semangkuk ikan afta dah gorng ikan bilis, tumis bawang n lada giling(together)..pastu dah agak garing, masokkan air asam jawa..pastu dah agak masak siket, masokkan ikan bilis.. garam..kalo nak kering siket, mase tumis lada tu lame siket, n maskkan sikit gule..

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