Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Here we are again

with words we can conquer the world

just about few days ago the juniors registered as a new batch of 2007 in UGM..and yesterday the JPA officer, En Azrey did introduce us to the juniors, and so how it started our bond as Malaysian student. But before that En Azrey, sudah kasi itu warning oo..warning ape?warning ape?oo..perkara ni tidak boleh disebarkan umum.tapi En Azrey told us that this 'thing' had been well known to the students in overseas like U.S, U.K, and mane2 tah lagi yg JPA hntr, but basically, to tell ya..every benda mesti lah ade pros and cons..huhu..so smlm met my juniors back in college. Izyan, n her batch name is kecik from Mahsuri Red house..Pongky said my junior otai, Jas pon..oit korang ni komplot ker?chess..budak TKC otai ker..kate girl school..tp Idid kate aku otai..ye ke?..korg jawab sndirilah.huhu. haha..tapi ade satu kejadian dimana..ade lah some juniors i will say..yg biler ditanye kost kat mane?, then dier cakap, owh..fakultas Kedokteran..i was laughing half to death.kahkahkah..bkn la sbb diorg ni bengong ke ape..tp sbb insiden tu cam klakar giler..oh ye..btw, kost is hostel..bukan course yg u amik la..ala..x pe.kitorg pon dulu cam tu..org yg menaip ni la sape lagi..owh..sebut pasal kost ni, mlm tu jugak aku ngan pong dtg ke kost diorg kat Pondok Elmira..nama pon pondok..mmg sedey la kost diorg tu..x reti nak ckp camner..huhu..walopon kost diorg ngan kost aku dekat..tp diorg lagi masuk dalam2..owhh.amat scary oo..i tell ya..even the road pon scary..and we have to pass this spooky bridge..haha..spooky enuff la for me to left pongky at the bridge and rode off wif my motorbike ..haha..jahat aku kan..sori pongky..tapi aku amik la balik dier..aku pon baik jugak..hahaha..owhh..sebut pasal kost mereka yg sedey ittew..dah la kost tu kecik, spooky, bilik kecik, pastu, lampu kejap ade kejap x de, pastu x de tivi, pastu x de peti sejuk pastu x de internet n tivi kabel cam kitorg, pastu tmpt masak diorg pon cam tmpt tikus beranak jer..amat scary la wei..pls deh .JPA paid to 'someone' la about 2500 ringgit..then i was told by the juniors that this kost is less than 100 ringgit per month..so basically in Indonesia, we have to pay for a year.sbb diorg x nak korg pindah2..huhu..so if u calculate, the total would be like 1200 ringgit more or less..so, where is the other 1300 ringgit..banyak betol ko makan..juniors dtg ade la dlm 31 org perempuan..lelaki brape tah...so kire sendiri la..isy2...pls deh..jgn la makan byk sgt..mmg la ade komisyen..but not that much la..kesian betoll..seriously i think they should change their kost..nnt kalo aku amik gambar aku tunjuk la da scary bridge and the pondok..huhu..tapi juniors kali ni best la..hopefully diorg x kerek la smpi biler2..klakar giler..haha..gelak je sepanjang malam gi kost diorg smlm..huhu..ade tu siap dah tanye 'kak, motor cam akak beli tu brp ek?' fuh..relaks2 la dulu..baru sampai dik..lagi horror..kak nak balik camner..ala lala...x kan dah homesick kot.huhu

itu kesah smlm..yg aku x smpt nak taip sbb penat sgt smpi sakit tekak gelak...huhu..tapi hari ini, aku ngan grup thesis aku telah dikjutkan oleh briter yg x sedap didengar..dr research kitorg dah gi Melbourne sbb sambung blaja..pahtu, dier ckp nama this one lecturer yg akan konon2 gantikan dier..pastu, biler kiotrg jumpe dr tu, dier kate..'ngapain dia lagi ajar2 kamu'..we were shocked bcos..hello, we've done the proposal technically, and we are in the team..how could u say that..tapi tu x kesah la..sbb dier mmg x tau yg dier di suruh or dimintak tolong ajarkan kitorg camner nak wat research..so skrg kitorg kena la carik dr sendiri..but still on the same thesis la but with different dr..erkk..well..basically we've got the grant, so that's quite good enuff la...huhu..Ya Allah lancarkan la perjalanan thesis kami..amin


Anonymous said...

kem salam sama itu izyan..
dia bwt prep kat KTT kan?
n oh, sy pun suke lagu permata yg dicari tu doy ;)

livingblossoms said...

izyan, red house? cam knal jek..tapi cam luper pon ade..nanti ckp la k.jee kem slam..kat sini pon ada jumpe junior..dah la junior yg slalu aku buli dulu..memang horror kan? tak sangka jumpe balik..tgk muke die, teringat zaman ke'otai'an kite..tapi aku rasa, waktu tuh ayna je yg otai, aku tukang tgk je..hahaha..

doyot said...

haha..ok2 aku akan sampaikan salam korg sumer..tu lah..kehkehkeh.sumer junior senior otai.oh yeahh..