Tuesday, June 26, 2007

shopping n me n aurah vs fesyen

with words we can conquer the world

waaaaahh..hari ini saye bershopping giler..brp ek duit habes..x kire plak..x mo kire.nnt rase ber salah..sbb rase membazir yg teramat..ape je yg ko beli rase membazir..sbnrnyer tujuan shopping nak gi carik baju kawin baju raye..tp since malaysia is on mega sale..melalut la ape lagi..well..girls will be girls.sanggup lak tu x gi makan tghari sbb nak carik baju raye..oit doyot..apsal ko carik baju raye awal sgt..awal ke??ntah la..sbb saye dah x de mase nak balik mesia.tp saye rase best shopping is pergi Saba Islamic Media..sbnrnyer tujuan saye gi kedai ni..saje je..x de lak niat nak gi beli ape2 kat sini..tup2 dah hbs dekat RM100 kat sini..best finding saye kat sini is satu DVD of this priest that embraced Islam at the age of 50...mgkn agak lmbt..tp lebih baik dari tidak kan??..This former priest actually met this one Muslim, and this former priest nak convert him to become a Christian yg pada dia to be saved 'in the Name of Jesus'..However his encounter with this Muslim and the events that followed impacted him and his family greatly. Eventually he and his wife and children embraced Islam, as well as his father and stepmother..Subhanallah..dier bagi Hidayah pada sesiape shj yg dier kehendaki..

capek giler..tomorrow plak nak balik kampung to meet my atok n nenek whom i love so much...yeay..can't wait..afta that pergi kenduri kawin saye kazen saye..huhu..agak bizi sedikit tis hols..what about attchmnt huh..dunno la..

td mase shopping tudung..mcm2 jenis fesyen ek zaman skrg ( ayat org tua2..hhaha)..serabut mate tgk..dan yg pasti mesti la byk yg fesyen 'open air'....tah la..pada saye menda2 nih dah boleh pikir sendiri kan..Tepuk dada tanye Iman..sum people say..indeed a true story, the dialogues are like this' Ala..x pe la..wat pe nak pakai tudung skrg..pakai nanti la.."..When is nanti??..Satu je la yg kiter kena ingt..biler kiter wat satu2 kesalahan..kiter meletakkan sebelah kaki kedua ibu bapa kiter kat neraka..which mean, they might fall into hell anytime...X kan la biler kiter dah x de rambut or rambut dah beruban baru nak cover ur hair..sorry if i'm so sharp tongue for this entry...i'm not ustzah or alim ulama yg nak bagi hadis bla bla..tp yg sebaiknyer yg patut kiter tegur, tegur la..terus terang..saye mmg x mampu tegur dgn mulut..sbb at the end.saye akan nanges..saye nanges sbb saye dah lukakan hati org ngan kate2 saye..walopon saye tau itu betul..tp mgkn cara teguran saye x dpt diterima..

Td mase pilih2 tudung, jumpe yg comey, tp sayang jarang la..when i ask the makcik, ade tak yg tebal sket..then she said, that's the only one left and i'll give u low price for that tudung....maka bermula la saye bermonolog dlm diri..waah..sgt bergembira sbb sgt murah..dah la yg saye nak n cantik..but on my other side said..but Nor it's jarang la eventho it's cantik pon..maka setelah agak lame diam..the makcik said to me.'mase mule2 beli mmg la jarang..tp nnt dah lame2 basuh, baru la jadik tebal'. umpphh..nak aje saye jawab..kain ape yg magic lelame jadik tebal tu makcik..kalo gune Breeze buku baru pon setau saye bertambah kaler bukan bertambah ketebalan kain..waarrgg..this makcik sudah tipu..ayoo..seb baik la saye tekad..x beli pon tudung tu..sesia je makcik tipu saye..hahaha..

ok la nak sambung tgk emil emilda yg comey n klakar..hahaha...x logik giler citer ni..tp best..

p/s: perempuan yg baik utk laki2 yg baik..laki2 yg baik pon untuk pompuan yg baik..

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